Thursday, March 3

Weekly Update: Holy Week Approaches!

Greetings from the Pastoral Team.

We are hoping that you are having a blessed Lenten season. Our continuing conversations around the Princeton document are proving fruitful. It has created much needed honest conversation and prayer. Continue in prayer for our congregation, that God's will be made known through our shared work.

Holy Week approaches. The Pastoral Team has been emailing and meeting in order to get all the details finalized. All of you will be invited to participate in one way or another. So, be prepared for more emails coming your way.

Palm Sunday Service: 3/20 This will be held at our regular time and place...6pm at Chase Cafe.

Maundy Thursday Service: 3/24 This will be at the Community of the Holy Trinity, 6443 N. Bosworth #2 at 7pm. There will be a simple meal and a foot washing liturgy.

Good Friday: 3/25 This service will also be a Community of the Holy Trinity, 6443 N. Bosworth #2 at 7pm.

Easter Vigil: 3/27 We have reserved Chase Cafe for this Saturday evening celebration. The service will begin at 11pm and end at about 1am. We have use of the entire space, so there is room for a lot of creativity. Also, we will be posting fliers advertising this service at various places in Rogers Park and the surrounding neighborhoods. If you care to help with the promotion of this service, contact the Pastoral Team. We would love the help.

The Great Vigil of Easter can be a deeply transforming liturgy. In it we will hear a retelling of the creation story and the salvation of Israel, God's chosen. We will all have the opportunity to renew our baptism and partake of the Lord's Supper. This is the Great Feast of the Church. We want to encourage as many people to come as possible. The promise of the resurrection is for the whole world. From the New Zealand Prayer Book, we have this word: Lord of the passover, you have lit this night with the radiance of Christ; renew us in our baptism, and bring us through the Red Sea waters to the promised land. The whole of the world is lit with Christ's light. Thanks be to God!

-The Pastoral Team

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