Tuesday, December 20

Reconciler Almost Weekly Update

The simplest and most effective way to sanctity is to disappear into the background of ordinary every day routine. - Thomas Merton.

Christmas is only days away. Maybe we feel the pressures of shopping, decorating, and getting along with our relatives. Perhaps, in the midst of that stress, we wish for something extraordinary to bring us peace and comfort. Merton's words suggest that, as much as the Christmas miracle may guide our lives, it is the daily "humdrum" of getting along that can lead us to God's peace.

In that Spirit, I want to share the current "humdrum" of Reconciler. Larry and I have purchased our first run of new hymnals. So, during the Epiphany season, we will be learning our way through the Evangelical Covenant hymnal. This should be fun. Secondly, we will be spending a little of our budget on advertising in the new year. Keep your eyes open for advertisements in the Chicago Reader and the Performink. Thirdly, Larry met with a group of Christian artists last Thursday at the Duke of Perth for fish, chips and enlightening conversation. The group agreed to make this a monthly gathering to explore art and Christian faith. If you think you might be interested in participating, please contact us.

Finally, we all want to remind you that we will not be holding services on Christmas day or on New Years.

It is Christmas. God has become one of us. God has enfleshed himself in the ordinary and the humdrum, restoring us all by that grace.

May you find that grace this Christmas and we will see you all again on Epiphany when we resume our regular worship schedule.

May God grant you Peace,

Tripp Hudgins
Pastoral Team

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