From you comes my praise in the great congregation; my vows I will pay before those who fear him.Here is a quick rundown of what is happening at Reconciler these days...Fasten your seatbelts.
The poor shall eat and be satisfied; those who seek him shall praise the LORD. May your hearts live forever! (Psalm 22:25-26)

The Rev. Dr. Larry Greenfield, the Executive Minister of the ABC/Metro-Chicago Region, preached last Sunday. His sermon was entitled "Other Sheep." We will try to get a manuscript for you. His presence among us is a welcome and encouraging sign of our growing relationship with the American Baptist Churches.
Jane Schmoetzer has accepted a call to a ministry in Montana and will be leaving us. June 11 will be her last Sunday at Reconciler. Please join us that evening as we worship and celebrate together. We have been blessed by her ministry with us.
Thus...We have begun a search process for an Episcopal priest. This is happening with the help of the Ecumenical Officer of the Diocese. As it stands we do have a couple of interested parties. We will keep you all informed as this process continues. If you have any questions or suggestions, do not hesitate to ask one of the pastoral team or Katya, our Council President.
In related news, I have accepted a call to serve as Senior Pastor at Community Church of Wilmette in Wilmette, IL. They are only 20 minutes up Ridge Rd. from Reconciler, so I will be able to continue my ministry with you. Trish and I are thrilled about this opportunity. It bodes well for us personally and potentially for the continuing growth of Reconciler. Plus, now you all have a "country retreat" to visit from time to time. My first Sunday at CCW will be June 4.
Larry Kamphausen will be giving a workshop on icon writing with Wicker Park Grace. Nanette Sawyer is the pastor of that congregation and has been very supportive of our work at Reconciler. Stay tuned for the details.
Our Lord says that those who seek shall find, that those who seek will have reason to praise. Even during times of trial, our praise of God can serve to uphold us. Seek God this day. Praise the Lord!
Yours in Christ's Love,
Tripp Hudgins
The Pastoral Team
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