Friday, July 28

Weekly Update: Sanctus

Holy, holy, holy Lord,
God of power and might,
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest.
Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.
Hosanna in the highest,
Hosanna in the highest.

We continue to enjoy the presence of the Episcopal Ecumenical Office, Rev. Cynthis Hallas. She preached last Sunday and will preside this weekend. Joining her at the altar as deacon will be Rev. Laura Gittardi-Littel. Let us continue to welcome them as they minister to us in worship.

I have been thinking a lot about the situation in Lebanon...perhaps as many of us have. What would an appropriate Christian witness be in the face of such struggle and suffering? There are many options before us. What I keep coming back to, however, is the liturgy. Please understand that I am not advocating some escape into the pew or the altar. No. I am thinking that the world needs to hear the sanctus. We need to proclaim that the blessed does not despise or abandon the beloved. God in Christ is the blessed one. And we are the beloved.

As church, the Body of Christ, we too are to be the blessed ones. We are to come to the aid of the suffering in the name of the Lord. People suffer in Israel, Palestine, Chicago, Rogers Park, Edgewater, and Wilmette.

As we gather to sing the sanctus, as we gather to partake the Lord's Supper, let us proclaim in word and deed the blessed one who comes in the name of the Lord.

Hosanna in the highest!

Tripp Hudgins
The Pastoral Team


There is a new committee at Reconciler: the Social Justice Committee. If you are interested in serving, please contact Jeremy John for information.

On August 13th Laura Gittardi-Littel will be joining us in worship as part of her candidating interviews. Please come and hear her preach that evening. If you have any questions, contact Will Swanson.

We are looking at possibly having a 1/2 day church retreat on the 26th of August. Response has been quite positive, but we want to firm up the date this weekend. Please e-mail or contact Larry and Tripp after the service Sunday evening.

It may seem far away, but keep September 10th free! Reconciler will be worshiping with the Community Church of Wilmette that evening as they install Tripp Hudgins as their pastor.

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