Wednesday, August 30

Weekly Update

We had a wonderful full weekend last week as we gathered together for our church retreat and then again in the evening for a church barbecue. As I sit down to write this I am both excited and contemplative. Our church retreat seemed to be a good time for getting to know ourselves as a church, both by deepening our understanding of each other as well as how we all fit and effect the church as a whole. It was exciting for Tripp and I to see how the congregation is developing and we had to in a most positive way begin to adjust our own perceptions of Reconciler. Tripp and I hope that all who attended found it to be as worthwhile and spiritually enriching time as we did.
This all leads me to contemplate what God is doing with us. This continues to be a continued reflection, I know. However, if I keep going back here it is because it is my desire that I myself and all of us use times like our retreat to open ourselves up further to God's work in us, and to God forming us in the mind of Christ. We could be a very active congregation and do very wonderful things but they would be Straw and chaff in the end if we are not seeking to conform to the mind and image of Christ.

The Social Action Committee has planned a kitchen utensils and small appliances drive for Sarah's Circle during September. More details to follow in the coming week. The social action committee will be collecting the items Sunday September 24th.

September 10th is Tripp's installation service at The Community Church of Wilmette at 5 PM. We are not worshiping at Immanuel that Sunday evening, but will be joining the Community Church of Wilmette in this service. Members of he congregation will be meeting at Immanuel at 4:15 PM to carpool

Our next council meeting will be Monday September 11th.

There will be a meeting of the Pastoral relations committee to continue working on pastoral contracts on September 13. If you have questions about this please talk with Katya our church chair.

This Sunday the Rev. Cynthia Hallas will be preaching.

Larry and Kate will be gone this weekend, but this will not effect Larry's regular office hours at Metropolis Cafe on Tuesday nights and Ennui Cafe on Thursday nights.

Our next Bible study, to begin September 19th and will be an exploration of Acts and the Rule of St. Benedict. We will be meeting on Tuesday evenings, at 7:30 PM in the Chapel at Immanuel Lutheran Church

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