Thursday, February 15

Reconciler Update

This Sunday is Transfiguration Sunday and concludes the season after Epiphany. We are moving into the season of Lent. Lent begins with Ash Wednesday (this year February 22), which calls us to remember our mortality and our need for the mercy of God. Lent continues for forty days (excluding Sundays)leading to Easter. This is a time of preparation and examination as we remember the suffering and sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf. It is a time of fasting, and other spiritual disciplines as we take time examine ourselves and our life in light of the Gospel.

Since many of us the keeping of Lent is unfamiliar we will provide some information on Lent in the coming Sundays. We do want to encourage you to take the time to review your life before God as we prepare to celebrate Easter, through fasting, or other disciplines like meditation, or solitude etc. If you would like to look read up on the various spiritual disciplines, a good place to begin is Richard Fosters book The Celebration of Discipline. (one of the pastors or someone in the congregation might be willing to lend a copy if you need to borrow one, ask around.)

As with most things the Episcopal, Covenant and Baptist traditions have different ways of marking and celebrating Lent, we will be reflecting this more deliberately this Lent with some minor changes in our worship.

Wednesday February 21st is Ash Wednesday, we are having a joint worship service with Immanuel and St Elias at 7:30 PM in the sanctuary.

Holy Week and Easter:
We are having joint worship services Holy Week and Easter Day with Immanuel and St Elias. On Easter Sunday We will not be having our regular Evening service at 6 PM but will have a joint service with Immanuel at 10:30 AM. For Holy week there will be a Maundy Thursday Service, a Good Friday Service and an Easter Vigil service on Holy Saturday. Times and more details coming soon. If you would be interested in taking part in lay leadership roles in any of the above services please talk with Laura, Larry or Tripp.

Our Bible Study on Praying the Psalms Resumes on February 28th we will be looking at chapters 6 and 7. We meet in the chapel at 7:30 PM. There is a prayer service with Immanuel at 7 PM that some of us have been attending and all are welcome to join.

In Christ,

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