As was mentioned in the last update we have now entered into the period of the church year known as ordinary time. I wish to briefly reiterate Laura's sense that this is a time for reflection and action. This is the time when the Scriptures we encounter on Sundays direct us to the life of faith. I encourage us to take this season of the church year to reflect and act on what we have encountered in our journey from Advent to Pentecost. For some it may be something new you have learned about God, or for others a new understanding of the faith, or for others maybe something about God and our faith that had been backdrop has been pulled to the foreground. What we have celebrated from Advent to Pentecost is the core of our faith, and the reason for any action we take in the world as Christians. These seasons feasts and fasts tell us who we are and how we are held in God. Take some time to rest and reflect in God, and from that find the ways God is calling you individually and us corporately to act in the world.
Jubilee USA's Annual 2007 Grassroots Conference... is this weekend June 15-17. Find out more about Sabbath Economics, the international debt crisis, economic justice, and globalization. Some of us from Reconciler are attending.
The Social Action Committee meeting is set for every second Tuesday of month at the 'Nidge, at 7:30 PM. But has been rescheduled for the following Tuesday June 19. Contact Jeremy John for more information.
Council meetings are every third Thursday of the Month our next Council meeting will be June 21st, at the 'Nidge, 7:30 PM.
Summer events:
Summer Neighborhood Festivals:
Reconciler has decided to have a booth at two summer festivals this year. We will need members of Reconciler to commit to help staff these booths at intervals over the weekends of the festivals. Sign up sheets for the festival held on July 14 and 15th will be coming soon.
The festivals and their dates are:
Celebrate Clark Street July 14 & 15
Glenwood Arts Festival August 25 and 26th
Our focus at the Glenwood Arts Festival will be Larry’s iconography and any of our artists in the congregation who might want to display their work.
Potluck Supper and Reading of the book of James at Charity and Jeremy’s house TBA. This is sponsored by the Social Action Committee.
'Nidge North (AKA Tripp and Trish's house) Potlucks and Movie nights TBA
Shared Worship with Immanuel Lutheran Church -- Sunday morning 10:30 August 5. No worship service at Reconciler that evening. Come worship with us Sunday morning, as we seek to deepen our connection to the Immanuel and St. Elias congregations, on our common "Campus of Discipleship."
In Christ,
Larry Kamphausen
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