Last year at this time we were in the midst of the call process for our Episcopal priest. Laura has now been with us as our Episcopal priest for six months. I find it beneficial to regularly stop in the midst of activity and see where we have been. It is easy to get caught up in the moment or in our projections into the future. In so doing it is easy to forget. Easy to forget God's provision for us both as individuals and as a congregation. It is easy to forget why we are called together as a people as members of Christ body, and as its particular manifestation in our small congregation. As we are present at some summer neighborhood festivals and as we continue to invite people to our worship and other events, let us remember that all we do as a congregation is intended to invite people into a place to receive the love of God, made known to us in Jesus Christ. We have been gathered together by that love and it is our life. Out of that deep reservoir of the love of God we offer to others this gift of God's love, which we have received through others who have offered us that love.
Denominational News– The American Baptist Churches have had their Biennial this weekend, and Tripp was in attendance. If you have any questions about the Biennial talk with Tripp. June 21-23the Evangelical Covenant Church had its Annual Meeting. At the Annual Meeting a paper on Human Sexuality was presented by the Board of Ordered ministry affirming and giving the theological grounding for the 1996 Annual Meeting Resolution on Human Sexuality. If you have questions about the Annual meeting or the 1996 resolution on Human Sexuality or the Boards report talk with Larry. Copies of the report can be made available to those who are interested.
Celebrate Clark Street Festival July 14 & 15: We need people to sign up to staff the booth.
Also we will be at the Glenwood Arts Festival August 25 and 26th. The focus will be on art from our artists in the congregation . Talk with Chrissy and Larry about displaying your art at the festival.
Potluck Supper and Reading of the book of James at Charity and Jeremy’s house July 27th at 7:30 PM. RSVP to Jeremy. Also Invite your friends who might not come to our worship.
'Nidge North (AKA Tripp and Trish's house) Potlucks and Movie nights TBA
Shared Worship with Immanuel Lutheran Church -- Sunday morning 10:30 August 5. No worship service at Reconciler that evening. Come worship with us Sunday morning, as we seek to deepen our connection to the Immanuel and St. Elias congregations, on our common "Campus of Discipleship."
The church council is considering a change in our worship time to 5PM starting September 9th. The hope is that this change of time with providing childcare will make our congregation more welcoming for families with young children. The council would like feedback from the congregation on this proposed change.
In Christ,
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