Friday, September 21

Almost Weekly Update

Welcome to another installment of our Weekly update. As mentioned, we seem to have taken a bit of a hiatus in August. Please bear with us as we get back on our feet here.

Psalm 120 offers these words for our reflection today:
I lift up my eyes unto the mountains;
from where shall come my help?
My help shall come from the Lord
who made heaven an earth.
This past Sunday at the congregational meeting, I announced my resignation from the Pastoral Team effective Sunday, November 18. This decision has not come easily or without much trepidation and great pain. But I know it to be the right one. And many shared their similar thoughts and feelings at our Congregational meeting. Our help is indeed from God!

What I want to say here is "Thank you."

Thank you for an amazing five years of conversation, love, work and worship. It has been my sincere pleasure to watch this ministry grow from one conversation with David Gortner to a self-sufficient congregation family. The Holy Spirit is generous and your hearts have been willing. Well done.

To prepare for my leaving, I have suggested that we convene a discernment committee. This committee would oversee my leaving and the re-articulation of the church as necessary to better facilitate the call of the next American Baptist member of the Pastoral Team.

There will be a vast array of options before us over the next eight weeks and then the months that follow my leaving. The more intentional we can make this process, hopefully the healthier we will be as a congregation.

Psalm 120 concludes with these words:
The Lord will guard you from evil,
he will guard your soul.
The Lord will guard your going and coming
both now and forever.
I cling to these words. I ask that you uphold us all in your prayers. And may God grant us peace and courage.


Rev. Tripp Hudgins
American Baptist Pastor
Church of Jesus Christ, Reconciler


A reminder our worship time has moved to 5PM!

An all church leadership retreat has been scheduled for the fall at the Cenacle retreat center here in Chicago, November 30th and December 1st, Friday evening and all day Saturday. Financial assistance is available. Please contact the Pastoral Team if you require financial help. RSVP as soon as possible.

Keep your eyes peeled for future announcements about our Wednesday evening Bible Study!

We will be joining Immanuel on November 4 at the 10:30 worship time to celebrate the Feast of All Saints. There will be no worship service that evening. Please plan on attending this special joint service. Rev. Monte Johnson will preach. Rev. Laura Gottardi-Littell will preside.

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