Saturday, March 22

Easter Vigil Sermon

My sisters and brothers, this is the night that Jesus Christ passed from death into life. Tonight is the night that gives Good Friday and the Cross their meaning. Tonight we celebrate that Christ indeed is victorious over Sin Death and the Devil, through his death on the Cross and Resurrection from the dead.

Soon we will shout, “Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen Indeed!” Though first in darkness we wait like Jesus’ disciples in the upper room. Yet also unlike the disciples for we wait with anticipation, not fear. We sit and wait -- We remind ourselves of God’s great saving deeds in History. We retell the stories of old and are transformed by their wisdom. These stories feed us they are what give shape and definition to our lives. We tell them again and we sit and listen and sing and pray. We do this because the wisdom of these stories teaches us to see God’s saving acts in our own lives. Also, this telling again shows us that the death and Resurrection of Jesus is the culmination of all God’s saving works in history.

We are told stories of a God who out of love calls and woos us and all humanity back to the intended relationships we were to have with God, the creation and each other. We are reminded that God has been seeking to restore and heal humanity and the cosmos since the Fall.

So, tonight is the night that makes all reconciliation, justice and peace possible. Tonight is the night we are called beyond ourselves into the Kingdom of God. Let us hear and be transformed by this wisdom, attend!

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