Wednesday, January 7

Reconciler Update

Tuesday January 6th, was the feast of the Epiphany. Epiphany means "manifestation" or "appearance" as we celebrate the manifestation of God in Jesus Christ to the world. This celebration began at some point in the second century. Epiphany was associated with the wise men, the baptism of Christ, and Jesus' first miracle at Cana. All stories of the shining forth of God's love into the whole world. As we move from Christmas to Ordinary Time after the Epiphany our lectionary texts lead us to reflect on Jesus' ministry and the calling of his disciples. Now that we have proclaimed God in our midst in the birth of Jesus Christ and the confirmation of this presence at Jesus Christ's Baptism, we are lead to ask what does this mean for the World, for us, and for the Word made flesh, Jesus Christ.
What does it mean to be a follower of the one who is God incarnate? How might we manifest the truth of the incarnation of God in Jesus Christ, in our daily lives, in a world in turmoil? How do we as one small congregation let this manifestation, this Epiphany transfigure us and transform us, that others may see God?

In this time of transition for Reconciler these are perhaps pertinent questions for our community to ask. The Church and any congregation exists because of this coming of God in Jesus Christ. If Jesus Christ was not God, is not the Word made flesh then our gathering as we do does not make a whole lot of sense. And if this truth does not penetrate ourselves and the world then the Epiphany of God in Jesus Christ is hid from view. We at Reconciler desire that this not be hid, that the divisions and failures of Christians not obscure this truth. So, we have sought to come together as Christians from various denominational backgrounds, for whom this truth has been and is sometimes hid from view, in connection with some of these denominational institutions to show forth the love of God manifest in Jesus Christ.

This Sunday January 11th we begin our nursery and children's program during our 5 pm Sunday worship service Lead by Ryan Brown and Laura Blatterman.

Next Thursday January 15th there will be a meeting of council and congregation at 7:30 pm at the 'Nidge. This meeting and subsequent meetings to be announced in the next few weeks are taking place of our annual congregational meeting. So, you are encouraged if you consider Reconciler your church or one of your church homes please make an effort to take part in these meetings so that we can reflect and share together on where We are being lead together and how we may grow together as a congregation. Your participation in this process is important so that we may have the insight and input of all of us who make up Reconciler.

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