Wednesday, February 17

The Many Layers of Lent: Update Reflection

Today is Ash Wednesday, and the beginning of the season of Lent. The 40 days of Lent remind us of Jesus' fasting and temptation in the desert, which in turn reminds us of Moses' 40 days on Mount Sinai receiving the Law from God, and the 40 years of wondering of the people of Israel in the desert before entering the promised land.

Lent then has many layers. Lent can be a time of pilgrimage and journey, as we move towards and through the Passion of Jesus Christ. Lent is also a time of preparation, of testing, and purification. Lent is also, a time of encounter and revelation. Now most likely each Lent is not all of these to all of us all at once. As we begin Lent I encourage us to think about what is God calling you towards in this season. Are you being called on a Journey that will lead you to the Cross? Are you being "driven" into the dessert by the Spirit to be prepares and be tested? Or are you being called to a new encounter with God? As we go and receive ashes this day and we enter this Holy Lent I encourage us to ask what are we called to this lent, where is the Spirit driving and leading us? What is God seeking for you in this season? Consider then how you are being lead to engage this season of penitence and reflection and intensified discipline: be open to the guidance of the Spirit.

Most of all I wish all a holy and grace filled Lent, as we contemplate the great mystery of the one who is truly the Lover of humankind.

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